Mental wellness has gained focus with the realization that the human mind is influenced and impacted by its environment and people at various levels. The awareness regarding mental health also earned momentum with increased industrialization and technological development.
With change in lifestyle and living environments, the human mind has become more susceptible to stress, mental fog, emotional turbulence, and social isolation. The social systems that helped an individual cope up with lifestyle stress have collapsed and we find many individuals struggling to find help and support. Further, the cutthroat competition in the society has resulted in increased distrust and led to further isolation of an individual.
Mental illness therefore has now been recognized as one of the major causes of individual distress and misery in our societies and cities, comparable to poverty and unemployment. The rampant prevalence of mental disorders has given it the status of epidemic and therefore needs urgent attention.
Mental wellness had never been the part of overall wellness owing to a combination of both social stigma associated with mental health as well as lack of access to proper care and cure. Those who realised the disorder were prescribed regular meetings with a therapist where the focus is to fix it and help individuals adjust to the requirements of a polite society, mostly with the aid of medication that aims to correct the so-called “chemical imbalances.
While understanding the root to mental wellness lies in building emotional and spiritual connection with one’s own self as well as with society and nature, we at Aarsh focus on individual sensitivity and perception towards people and society as a whole. The market focused socio-economic set up around us that treats individuals as commodities where they are replaceable results in anxiety and stress due to uncertainty and threats associated with it.
The mental wellness programs at Aarsh are focused on building resilience to deal with uncertain socio-economic conditions and help individuals develop their mental and emotional capacity and capability to deal with ambiguity and insecurity that stems from the unknown.
The focus of Aarsh mental wellness programs is strength building to nurture and nourish the inherent strength of an individual and build a connection with their own self as well as with their surroundings and society.